
Wednesday 10 June 2015

information report week8

We are learning to write an information report about a topic related to space.

By Friday 5 June you need to have written and edited your information report on a topic related to space so that it is ready to be published.

Here are some ideas to write
  • Jupiter
  • Astronauts
  • Earth    
  • The Moon
  • Eclipses
  • Stars

My topic is:

You need to attend one workshop with the teacher on an area that you feel you need help with for your writing. Here is the timetable where you will make your bookings. There is space for seven people in each workshop so book in quickly to make sure there is space!

Start researching and plan your writing here: (remember torite notes in your plan). Click here to see an exemplar of a plan.

Main idea:names
More detail:
mars got  named from the roman god.

More detail:
Mar has a another name and it is the red planet.
Main idea:

More detail:
.mar is the fourth planet away from the sun.
More detail: Mars is so far away from the sun.
Main idea:

More detail:
Mars has a volcano.
More detail:
Mars has red grass.

Suceccess Criteria for writing. Click here to see an exemplar of an information report about Mars.

Level 3
Student Targets:
Audience and Purpose
  • Identify my audience and purpose for writing.

  • Write clearly and include all important information.

  • Add factual detail to expand my ideas.
Structure: including punctuation and grammar
  • Use different sentence starters.
  • Join some ideas using conjunctions such as: when, while, after, since, until, if, because, although, that

  • Organise my ideas into paragraphs and sequence my ideas so that my writing flows.

  • Use subheadings for each new paragraph to tell the reader what it is about

  • Check that I am writing in the present tense (for example: the sun is a ball of fire; the stars are shooting through the sky)

  • Use a range of punctuation correctly.    (.,?!)

  • Identify and correct most spelling errors.

  • Improve my writing so that it is more enjoyable/informative for the reader.


Mars got its name from the Roman God.
Mars has another Name and it is the Red planet.
Another Name is Mars.

Mars has a big as volcanic.
Do you what to know how long the volcano is.
It is like here to Manger.
Mars is red brown and black.
Mars is has a rocky surface.

Do you know that Mars has two moons.

Did you know in 1971 dust storms covered the whole planet.
The surface completely disappeared.